Do you take any specific medications or need a certain plan for prescription drug benefits?
We can take a look at the different options that include your necessary prescription drug plan on their formulary (list of prescription drugs covered by a specific plan) as well as generic prescriptions and compare the plan costs to find you the best prescription drug plan.
Are you a Medicare beneficiary with a Medicare Part D plan for covered drugs but need additional coverage? Are you looking for lower prescription drugs plan costs for your medications, perhaps switch to generic drugs with the lowest prices?
We go through the plan details and additional coverage available to help you choose Medicare prescription drug plans (Medicare Part D plan) based on the various Medicare Advantage plans offering coverage in the coverage gap and then determine which of those Medicare Advantage plans cover your exact medications in the gap.
Do you want your Medicare prescription drug plans (Medicare Part D plan) expenses to be more balanced throughout the year?
You’re not alone on that one! We will take a look at the different Medicare Advantage plans and also private insurance companies and other insurance companies with your that offer a low or no deductible, or with additional prescription drug coverage in the coverage gap.
Do you need a Medicare Advantage plan for your many generic drugs prescriptions?
Again, you’re not alone on that either! We sit with you and help you determine which Medicare drug plan with “tiers” that charge nothing or very low copayments for generic prescriptions.
Are your prescription drug costs low right now, but would like good prescription coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan for peace of mind and to avoid future penalties?
Questions about your Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage or about Medicare in general?
We are able to show you various options of medicare prescription plans and Medicare coverage with a low monthly premiums for drug coverage. If you need prescription medications in the future, all Medicare Advantage plans would cover most prescription drug plans or drug coverage used by those on Medicare.
Do you like extra benefits and lower costs available by getting your health care and prescription drug plans coverage from one plan and are willing to pick a drug plan with restrictions on what doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers to use?
We can help you look at some Medicare Advantage Plans (part C) with prescription drug coverage.
Give us a call! Our agents are willing and ready to help!
For more information or to speak directly with a Medicare Specialist, please email Michelle Tunis at foryourhealthmk@gmail.com or call (561) 665-7752.